Participation Concours Jonk Fuerscher 2024
De Lycée Robert-Schuman ass houfreg matzedeelen, dass Philipp Bost, Schüler vun der 1BC, den « European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) » beim Concours Jonk Fuerscher 2024 gewonnen huet! De Philipp gouf dobäi ausgezeechent fir seng staark Aarbecht zum Thema « A Comparison of Velocities Among Different Solar Active Regions: A Time-Based Analysis »
Gratulatioun Philipp!
Zum Thema schreift de Philipp: "My project paper focuses on understanding the velocities exhibited by distinct solar active regions, aiming to contribute to our understanding of solar features' behaviour at different latitudes. It will also outline the danger that such space weather events represent for the global telecommunications and energy infrastructure, and how the utilisation and processing of this kind of data could help with the prediction of these events."
Weider Infos op https://fjsl.lu/ an https://www.youtube.com/@fuerscher